Herbal remedies – Hemp oil deo creme
A traditional, original recipe of a natural deo consists of bicarbonate, corn starch and coconut oil. However, by changing the coconut oil to a more creamy shea butter it feels even more nourishing for the skin. The essence with shea butter infused with cold-pressed ecologic oil makes the deodorant creamy and soft. The active ingredients bicarbonate, corn starch and essential oil acts antibacterial.
Herbal remedies – CBD
Cannabidiol is a natural and organic remedy from our highly conscious plants, packed with anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. Also known as CBD, it is one of more than 100 chemical compounds called cannabinoids that are found in the cannabis plant, Cannabis sativa. The oil is made by extracting Cannabidiol from the plant and then diluting it with a carrier oil like olive oil, coconut oil or hemp seed oil.
Soothing Shea butter
Some skincare products come to our rescue when in need of self-care and the rich shea butter is one of them. Packed with essential nutrients its' a wonderful ingredient for smoothing and soothing skin and hair. But it also has a deeper meaning for the producers and their community.